This 30 day leg challenge can create beautiful, sculpted legs that you will be excited to show off when warmer weather rolls around. As a bonus, this leg workout challenge will also target your mom butt!

When you are trying to get fit, you are going to find that there are countless workout programs and ideas out there. You can hop on the treadmill, get a gym membership, increase cardio workouts, watch workout videos, and the list goes on.
What if you want to target a specific body part, like thinner thighs?
Years ago when I was still in the beginning of my fitness journey, I wanted to lose fat in my legs. I have always had thicker thighs which were my problem area. For a while, I had shied away from weight lifting for fear I would build too much muscle, but I learned differently when I started this plan.
Let’s say you already have a workout program that you stick with for cardio and weight loss, but you really want to focus on toning your legs. What do you do in this situation? Well, you do a 30 day slim thigh challenge, of course!
What is the 30 Day Leg Challenge?
A 30 day legs challenge is exactly what it sounds like. You commit to doing leg-focused workouts each day for 30 days to tone your legs.
That doesn’t mean you have to do the same exact workout each day during those 30 days.
The 30 day thigh slimming challenge is similar to the popular squat challenge, only better. Both challenges include a variety of toning exercises to target thigh muscles as well as glutes and calves.
Can I Tone My Legs in 30 Days?
With a 30 day leg challenge like this, you can tone up your legs with daily workouts when done in conjunction with another cardio exercise and a healthy diet.
Your legs are the largest muscles in your body, and thus, can burn the most calories when used. A leg challenge is a great way to burn body fat and tone your legs.
Again, this is not a quick fix. If you want to tone legs in 30 days, you need to be committed to doing the work. And with hard work 6 days a week, you can definitely see and feel results!

What is the Best 30 Challenge for Thighs?
There is not one specific 30 day leg challenge that will be more successful than another. Everyone has different leg workouts that work best for them. Additionally, it’s often a good idea to mix up your fitness routine in order to get the best results.
That’s why many people will spend a month doing one leg challenge, and at the end of that month, they will move on to a completely different leg workout challenge.
Here are two different 30 day legs challenge programs that you can try. It is important to note that it is recommended that you increase your reps as time goes on to help you achieve further success.
30 Day Leg Lift Challenge
- Day 1 – Day 5: 8 Side Leg Lifts, 8 Plie Squats, 8 Side Lunges, 8 Leg Swings
- Day 6 – Day 10: 10 Side Leg Lifts, 10 Plie Squats, 10 Side Lunges, 10 Leg Swings
- Day 11 – Day 20: 15 Side Leg Lifts, 15 Plie Squats, 15 Side Lunges, 15 Leg Swings
- Day 21 – Day 25: 18 Side Leg Lifts, 18 Plie Squats, 18 Side Lunges, 18 Leg Swings
- Day 26 – Day 30: 20 Side Leg Lifts, 20 Plie Squats, 20 Side Lunges, 20 Leg Swings
Side Leg Lifts – Lay on your side and lift the upper leg up and down, keeping your body in a straight line.
Plie Squats – With toes faced outwards, squat down, engaging your thighs. Keep your back straight and make sure to not hunch over.
Side Lunges – Stand up straight and step out with one leg, lunging as low as possible. Stand back up straight and switch sides.
Leg Swings – Flex your foot and keep your leg straight. Swing your right leg up to the right side and then diagonal to the left. Then move to the left side. If you need stability, hold on to a counter or the back of a chair for balance.

30 Day Leg Challenge to Get Rid of Your Mom Butt
- Day 1 – Day 5: 8 Squats, 8 Heel Kicks, 8 Pointed Butt Lifts, 8 Bridges
- Day 6 – Day 10: 10 Squats, 10 Heel Kicks, 10 Pointed Butt Lifts, 10 Bridges
- Day 11 – Day 20: 15 Squats, 15 Heel Kicks, 15 Pointed Butt Lifts, 15 Bridges
- Day 21 – Day 25: 18 Squats, 18 Heel Kicks, 18 Pointed Butt Lifts, 18 Bridges
- Day 26 – Day 30: 20 Squats, 20 Heel Kicks, 20 Pointed Butt Lifts, 20 Bridges
Squats – Align your feet with your shoulders and squat down as far as you are able. Keep your back straight, your chest lifted and push into the floor with your heels.
Heel kicks – Kneel down with your forearms on the floor. Flex your foot while straightening one leg and “kick” or bring your heel up in the air (keeping your leg straight). Switch legs.
Butt Lift – Crouch down on all fours, lift one leg into a 90-degree angle behind you. Keep your toes pointed straight up while continuing to look forward. Switch legs.
Bridges – Lie on your back with your feet hip-width apart and your hands placed on the floor near your waistline. Raise your pelvis up and then back down touching your butt to the floor.

Go ahead, print your tracking sheets today and get started. Your 30 day thigh slimming challenge is waiting for you!