Welcome to Fit Found Me!
If you are here, you must be struggling to lose weight and probably in the wonderful group of Women Over 40. If you haven’t realized it yet, if you follow my plan, you will soon begin to see that your 40s are the best time of your life!
For a time, I succumbed to being overweight. I thought that’s the way life was meant to be at 40+…until there was something I wanted to do that my body wasn’t allowing me to do. It was then I knew I needed to take control again.
Slowly, I began to change my lifestyle from junk food eating out no-activity, to healthy eating, workouts and getting out and REALLY enjoying life! I have taken back years and now feel as good as I did in my 20s!
You can too!
I invite you to read the posts below to get a foundational understanding and motivation prepare yourself to really start seeing a difference in your weight loss and living a healthy lifestyle. True, it is more difficult than it was 10+ years ago, but by applying these lessons I have learned, it will not be impossible!
Resources for Losing Weight After 40
You are invited to join our Fit Found Me Women Over 40 Losing Weight and Living Healthy group on Facebook where there are women chatting about struggles, accomplishments and sharing tips for losing weight.
Check out the weight loss challenges for specific tips from me via email plus workout videos. I share all of the nitty-gritty on what I did in the beginning, what I found that works and doesn’t, ways to implement weight loss tips easier into busy lives, accountability, motivation…and anything else you ask for!
For real life, everyday tips in action, follow me on Instagram!
Workouts, Workouts, and more workouts! Here is where they all live…browse through the pages of different workouts. Or, if you are a video watching workout kind of girl, subscribe to my new YouTube channel!
Ready, Set, Get Moving & Losing!
The Best Weight Loss for Women Over 40
Wondering how to be successful at losing weight and keep it off? Here are 4 steps to the best weight loss for women over 40 so you can begin losing weight today. These are the same tips I implemented into my life over 3 years ago when I lost over 30 lbs. Now I am fit and feel great like never before! When I started losing weight my dress size was 14, now I am a size 4, sometimes I can rock a 2! But more importantly than size of clothing is how I feel now that I have energy, strength and flexibility.
We have all started diets and failed too many times to count. When you implement the following 4 tips to lose weight into your life, you will create the momentum needed to be successful to start losing weight and be able to keep it off.
So, what’s the best way to lose weight? Start here…
Weight Loss Guide for Women Over 40: 7 Habits that Helped Me Lose Weight and Keep it Off
About 4 years ago I made the decision to not be fat anymore. I had crept up to 175 lbs and a size 14. My life had taken a huge turn and there were things I wanted to do that would not work well with weighing 175 lbs. I made some necessary changes in my life, incorporating 7 habits that were the catalyst to where I am now – 35 lbs lighter, a size 2, so much stronger and feeling better than I could have ever hoped for.
Notice I didn’t say the best I have ever looked, although many say that about me – it wasn’t really my goal or reason for changing my lifestyle. Of course, it does work hand in hand, but looks is not the most important reason I choose to live the way I live.
It’s more about how I feel mentally and physically.
That’s the reason for living these 7 habits after 4 years with no plans to stop.
My Experience with the Best Meal Replacement Shake to Lose Weight for Women Over 40

Several years ago I would have never imagined my decision to drink a meal replacement shake to lose weight would lead me to this point in my life. Perhaps like you, I wasn’t sure I could be satisfied with a meal replacement shake instead of a cheeseburger from Sonic. However, looking back, a meal replacement that is nutritionally a full meal was the catalyst to my weight loss.
Drinking the right meal replacement shake with protein is the foundation for weight loss, building muscle and maintaining good health.
I can credit meal replacement shakes 100% with my weight loss. Had I not had the jumpstart and motivation, I can’t say for sure I would be doing what I am today.
Have I Found the Secret to Tightening Loose Skin After Losing Weight or Aging?

Based on the response I got from my Loose Skin post, tightening loose skin for women over 40 is a big deal. Like you, I have been on the lookout for some miracle cream to restore my youthful facial skin. While the overall tightening of loose skin after I lost weight has shown improvement, time has had the opposite effect on my face.
Menopause and Weight Loss for Women Over 40: What You Need to Know

Menopause and weight loss are arch enemies…or so we are told to believe. Weight loss after 40 seems to come to a screeching halt after menopause symptoms start. It feels like you just looked in the mirror one day and overnight you gained 30 lbs. You try to lose weight, only to gain more. Don’t give up. Everything you need to know about menopause and weight loss is right here.
How to Start a Successful Diet in 4 Easy Steps
There are many opinions on how to start and maintain a successful diet. How many diets have we all started only to fail within a few days?
Food is not just food anymore. Food is social, soothing and a boredom buster. To successfully achieve a healthier lifestyle, we have to put food in it’s rightful place. Food definitely has a place in our life and of course, we should enjoy it, however, if we choose to live a healthy lifestyle, food cannot be our addiction.
Staying Active is Key to Staying Fit
It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle change. So true, but how do you change a lifestyle of 20, 30+ years? Staying active is key to staying fit because you body wants to be moving, muscles want to feel needed. haha I couldn’t help but throw a little muscle psychology in there. Seriously, now that you have committed to getting fit, there are a few things to think about. Such as, some new hobbies and activities. Believe me, as soon as you get over the, “Wow, this is really hard” phase, you will feel so good you will want to find some new hobbies and activities to do!
I have found a few new active hobbies to enjoy in the last few years and the discovery continues! If all goes well, I may be doing another first this weekend…hitting the slopes, albeit the bunny slopes, but still a first! Of course, if I can withstand riding on the lift! Warning: unless there’s a horse under me, I am a big chicken. Stay tuned for how it turns out!
5 Strategies to Never Miss a Workout Even at Age 40
I overslept today. Missed my 5am workout. It has thrown my entire day off.
There are times when a missed workout is unavoidable. Life is not over. We can prepare and plan as well as we can for success, but things happen. You don’t have to give up!
Ignore this voice…
“Today’s blown already, might as well have dessert!”
“I will just start next Monday.”
“I just can’t stick with this…”
The Secret for Motivation
As women we willingly give our all to serve others. We motivate others to do the things they enjoy and need, but what happens to our personal motivation?
We wear multiple hats in our everyday life. Wife, mom, grandma, career, chef, taxi driver, cheerleader, accountant, housekeeper, nurse, and that’s really only skimming the surface. It takes motivation to do our jobs and sometimes that motivation runs out when we get to ourselves.
When I was 40 my kids teenagers and older. I realized I was entering into a different era of my life with more time for myself. I eventually became more self-aware of my health and low physical activity. It was time for me to participate in my life rather than always putting others’ needs first. What I learned was something I could have used 10 years earlier.
10 Reasons to Workout Today – with Printable!
Sometimes we have days when the stars are not aligned in our universe and working out is not what we feel like doing. No matter what our fitness level, there will be days when motivation feels lost forever. On days like that, it’s great to be able to remind ourselves 10 reasons to workout today to give us that motivational bump.
Here in “sunny” St George, Utah, it is a cloudy, cold day. I just want to crawl back into bed. Probably not unlike most of you are feeling during these cold winter months. There are a lot of reasons we need to push through and get our workouts done, even when the weather outside is frightful.
Motivation is what we hold internally that drives us to do many things, some for ourselves, a lot for others. Often it is more difficult to make a sacrifice to do something for ourselves. As women, we generally are innately driven to sacrifice for those we care most about.
Ready to start losing weight?
Join us in the 30 Day Walking Challenge!