As you get older, weight loss might seem like an achievement that cannot be attained. But I’m here to tell you that it’s possible to get fit, when you are consistent to a few healthy habits like the best treadmill workout for weight loss. There’s a library of effective treadmill workouts, but today I’m going to give you 3 HIIT workouts for any fitness level that will burn fat.

Your days are hectic, and sometimes, you aren’t quite sure what’s on the agenda. But one thing that you can always be sure about, is that doing a daily treadmill workout, can help with weight loss.
I’m going to discuss the benefits of the treadmill and several great treadmill workouts that you can implement into your everyday life. It’s overwhelming to start your fitness journey, and I want to make things easier for you. Trust me, I’ve been there. If you follow the workouts below,
you’re going to see results. So, let’s get started, so that you can start getting fit.
Treadmill Benefits
I know from experience that it’s incredibly intimidating to start working out. When you walk into the gym, you might have anxieties over the fact that it’s been awhile since you’ve exercised, or the fact that you don’t know how to use the equipment.
Here’s the good thing about a treadmill: it’s incredibly user friendly. This means, that if you’re comfortable going on a brisk walk outside, exercising on the treadmill is going to be an easy way for you to get fit. Unlike other equipment, there’s no learning curve, because you already having walking down. So, walking workouts are a piece of cake, which is an extraordinary benefit.
Another benefit of the treadmill is that when it comes down to it, the treadmill is fun. I know. You might be thinking: how can working out be fun, when I haven’t thought about working out
in, say, 10 or 20 years?
Think about treadmill workouts as activities that provide you with some much-needed alone time! When you’re on the treadmill, you’re going to have thirty minutes or an hour to yourself
(walking at a comfortable pace or a steady-state cardio pace is the best way to have some productive alone time).
Plus, you can turn on a playlist of your favorite songs, a podcast, your favorite television show, and more. When you do this, your workout will be a more enjoyable time, and that’s a guarantee.
Additional Treadmill Workout Benefits to Health

We’ve discussed some benefits to working out on the treadmill, that have to do with things like convenience and how enjoyable your workout is. Of course, it’s important to enjoy your workout. Plus, when you’re trying to juggle all of the things that you have to do at work and at home, it’s incredibly important that working out is convenient, too.
However, if you’re trying to lose weight, you’re probably interested in improving your overall health. So, let’s go over some of the health benefits, that come with participating in treadmill workouts.
When you work out on the treadmill, you’re working to improve your fitness level and the strength of your muscles (you don’t have to participate in strength training, to gain muscle). If you’re interested in working your calves and glutes a little bit harder, you can always up the incline of the treadmill, and when you do this, you’re working to tone the muscle mass in your
lower body.
Also, working out on the best treadmills benefits your mental health. Physical health is important, but you cannot neglect the importance of caring for your mental health. So many stressors come with everyday life, and when you take thirty minutes or an hour to yourself on the treadmill, you’re going to be releasing endorphins, which will help diminish symptoms of depression and improve your mood. You’ll feel better about yourself, too, when you exercise on the treadmill, so more feelings of happiness will come (that’s a major perk).
Next, not only is cardio good for regulating blood sugar, but it also helps to improve your brain health and memory. Things like diabetes come, when you aren’t participating in a regular exercise workout routine. Plus, when you turn 30, your memory and recall start to diminish, and cardiovascular exercise can help to stimulate brain cell growth, to reduce this phenomenon.
Finally, working out on the treadmill helps with weight loss (which is probably what you’re here for). If you integrate a regular treadmill fitness routine into your lifestyle, you’re on your way to seeing results.
Different Types of Treadmill Workouts

There are many treadmill workouts that you can participate in, and let’s go over a few. They all should have a place in an overall fitness program.
Hiking Treadmill Workouts
You can participate in hiking workouts that require you to walk at various inclines. As with all types of
exercise regiments, the number of times a week that you should participate in hiking, depends on your personal goals—but it could be done five days a week!
Walking or Low Intensity Steady State (LISS) Workout
If you’re not into hiking and walking outdoors, you could always go on a steady long run, walk or a low intensity treadmill workout. A steady state low intensity workout should be an intensity that gets your heart rate in a fat burning zone. Your heart rate is in a fat burning zone between 70-80% of your max heart rate. These LISS, such as this 30 Day Fat Burning Plan, can be done on the treadmill, and just like with hiking, the number of days that you should do these things, varies.

14 Day Bootcamp Challenge to a Healthy Lifestyle
This quickstart challenge is for the women who want to know the right foods to eat, but without a set meal plan to follow. Quickly learn how to put together your own healthy meals and snacks, along with so many other important healthy principles to create a balanced healthy lifestyle. And…all in 14 days!
Through daily emails, I will share some habits and principles you can start tomorrow morning that when used consistently, you WILL lose weight. You’ll get assignments along the way to implement immediately along with help from me via email if you have any questions. This is a great way to jump right in to start transforming your life! Read more details below…
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
Finally, let’s talk about one of the highest fat burn treadmill workout, called HIIT. HIIT Treadmill workouts are beneficial, because your body continues to burn extra fat (yes, even belly fat) for up to 24 hours after your workout.
Figure out what your weight loss goals are, and then try to make a plan from there. You don’t have to rush your fitness journey. Do what feels right for you. Using a variety of workouts (strength training included) can be extremely beneficial to your overall health and goals.
What is a HIIT Treadmill Workout for Fat Loss?
Let’s hone into HIIT workouts, a little bit more. HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training. And just like the name suggests, you’re going to do intervals of high intensity workouts, when
you’re completing a HIIT workout. For those women who are new to fitness, this might sound confusing. Here’s some more info.
During HIIT workouts, instead of participating in a strenuous activity for the duration of your workout, you’re going to break up the workout, so that you have breaks in between your high intensity exercises.
So, you might sprint for one minute and walk for thirty seconds (or enough to catch your breath and allow your heart rate to slow down), and then repeat this over and over. That means, that if you were worried about having to run for a steadfast 30 minutes on the treadmill, you can relax! With HIIT workouts, you won’t have to withstand a long run.
Printable HIIT Treadmill Workouts

Here are some HIIT treadmill workouts to lose weight for beginners, intermediates, and upper intermediate level. You can use these to inspire your treadmill routine, because they are an excellent way to lose weight. As your fitness level increases, you may want to increase difficulty of current workout by increasing the incline level or even increasing the speed in slight increments. Use this as guides and feel free to adjust as needed.
20 Min HIIT Treadmill Workout for Beginners
5 min Walk warm-up
1 min Speed walk
2 min briskly walk – or walk at a speed to get heart rate down
1 min speed walk
2 min briskly walk – or walk at a speed to get heart rate down
2 min speed walk
1 min briskly walk – or walk at a speed to get heart rate down
2 min speed walk
1 min briskly walk – or walk at a speed to get heart rate down
2 min speed walk
1 min cool down walk
20 Min HIIT Treadmill Workout for Intermediate
2 min walk warm-up
3 min jog lightly
2 min walk briskly
2 min jog lightly – slightly increase speed
1 min walk briskly
3 min jog lightly
1 min walk briskly – or at a speed to get heart rate down 3 min jog lightly
1 min walk briskly – or at a speed to get heart rate down 1 min jog with increased speed
1 min cool down walk
30 Min HIIT Treadmill Workout for Intermediate+
2 min walk warm up
3 min jog lightly
1 min walk briskly
2 min jog – slightly increased speed
1 min run 6-7 mph
2 min jog 5-6 mph
1 min run 6-7 mph
2 min jog 5-6 mph
1 min run 6-7 mph
2 min jog 5-6 mph
1 min run 6-8 mph
2 min jog 5-6 mph
1 min run 6-8 mph
1 min jog 5-6 mph
1 min run 7-9 mph
30 sec jog 5-6 mph
90 sec run 6-9 mph
30 sec jog 5-6 mph
90 sec run 6-9 mph
1 min jog 5-6 mph
1 min run 7-9 mph
1 min cool down walk
Final Thoughts
I can’t say enough good things about the treadmill. Whether you’re new to fitness or not, everyone could benefit from treadmill workouts of a certain intensity level. Of course, you have to maintain a healthy diet and try to burn extra calories, but the treadmill is an effective way to get into the habit of exercising.
As intimidating as it can be to begin your weight loss journey, with the help of HIIT exercises, long runs on the treadmill, or whatever other treadmill exercise works for you, you’re sure to see weight loss results. You can achieve your fitness goals, with a treadmill!
Sunday 18th of September 2022
Hi, I am 51 years old. I did a keto diet last February for 3 months, and I lost 12 pounds. I was so happy with the weight lost results. When I went for my annual exam, my Dr. found my cholesterol levels too high. What a bummer! Now I'm looking for a diet low in fat that could help me keep my weight. I will love to join your group, but I want to make sure is not high in fat before joining the program. Thanks a lot for your guidance
Stephanie Miller
Wednesday 21st of September 2022
Hi Nidia, I'm sorry to hear that. I recommend a balanced macro diet. It's more of a sustainable lifestyle nutrition - definitely not high fat. We have another 8 week challenge coming up within a couple of weeks. I'd love for you to join us! Email me at [email protected] for more details!