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There Is One Major Nutrient That Can Help Your Liver Repair Itself Better Than Any Other.

Fatty liver disease, a growing health crisis in the United States, is closely linked to the increasing consumption of genetically modified, high fructose corn syrup-filled products. The disease now affects roughly 100 million people nationwide, including a shocking number of children. Data from the Liver Foundation reveals that the prevalence of this disease has doubled in the past two decades. Yet, there is hope. This condition is reversible with dietary changes, specifically by increasing the intake of beneficial foods for liver health. The catalyst for this turnaround is a “master antioxidant” known as glutathione.

Doctor is holding anatomical model liver folded hands above head like house roof

Glutathione: The Antioxidant Powerhouse for Liver Health

Glutathione is considered the “master antioxidant”, pivotal for liver repair and rejuvenation. Dr. Eric Berg, a naturopathic doctor, points out that over 100,000 peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals testify to the importance of glutathione. He further states that low glutathione levels are associated with at least 75 major diseases.

Several lifestyle factors can deplete your body’s glutathione levels, including excessive alcohol consumption, unresolved mental, physical, and emotional trauma, stress, toxins, overwork, and high intake of sugar and refined carbs. Notably, early symptoms of a glutathione deficiency and liver problems include fatigue, tiredness, nausea, swollen abdomen and legs. Glutathione supplements have shown promising results in initial trials for aiding recovery from fatty liver disease and other liver issues.

Top 10 Foods and Supplements for Boosting Glutathione Levels

To support a healthy liver and overall bodily functions, diet and supplementation are crucial. The following are top food and supplement sources of glutathione:

  1. Beef: Choose grass-fed beef from pasture-raised or regenerative sources to ensure maximum nutritional value. Avoid store-bought beef from feedlots that are often fed genetically engineered corn and soy.
  2. Fish: Opt for wild-caught fish, being cautious of products sourced from countries with lax food safety regulations.
  3. Cruciferous Vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, and others can boost glutathione levels by up to 26%, making them a consistent source for glutathione production.
  4. Whey Protein: Supplementing with whey protein can significantly increase glutathione levels, as per
  5. Garlic and Onions: These vegetables, rich in allicin, help raise glutathione levels. Tip: Cut garlic and leave it on the counter for 30 minutes to maximize allicin production.
  6. Curcumin: This supplement, found in turmeric, is another glutathione booster according to Dr. Berg.
  7. Vitamin C: Taking 500-1,000 mg daily for 13 weeks can increase glutathione in white blood cells by 18%, and in red blood cells by up to 47%.
  8. Coffee: A 2003 study found that coffee increases blood plasma glutathione levels by up to 13%.
  9. Vitamin D3: Sources include sunshine, pasture-raised eggs, mushrooms, sardines, salmon, and fermented cod liver oil.
  10. Alpha-lipoic acid: Dr. Berg recommends this supplement to increase glutathione consumption, as it strengthens the antioxidant network.

Beyond Diet: Lifestyle Changes for a Healthy Liver

Apart from diet, implementing other lifestyle changes such as regular physical activity, maintaining a healthy weight, and limiting alcohol consumption, can significantly contribute to the health of your liver. To further protect your liver:

  • Limit Alcohol Consumption: Excessive alcohol is harmful to liver cells. Consider reducing your intake or abstaining entirely.
  • Regular Exercise: Regular physical activity helps burn triglycerides for fuel, reducing liver fat.
  • Balanced Diet: Avoid high-calorie meals, saturated fat, refined carbohydrates, and sugars. High fiber foods, lean protein, and healthy fats support liver health.
  • Stay Hydrated: Water is essential to the functioning of all our organs, including the liver. Aim for at least 8 glasses per day.
  • Avoid Toxins: Toxins can injure liver cells. Limit direct contact with toxins in cleaning products, aerosol products, and insecticides.
  • No Smoking: Smoking can cause oxidative stress leading to liver damage. Quitting is best, but reducing the frequency can also help.
  • Regular Health Check-ups: Regular check-ups and preventive screenings can help detect potential issues early.
  • Watch Your Belly Fat: Belly Fat Linked to Overworked Liver

Chronic Liver Issues and the Importance of Maintaining a Healthy Liver

Liver diseases, including fatty liver disease, have been steadily on the rise. According to the American Liver Foundation, about 25% of the U.S. population, and 2.6 million children, have fatty liver disease. Furthermore, liver disease accounts for approximately 2 million deaths per year worldwide.

Maintaining a healthy liver is pivotal as it performs over 500 crucial functions, including detoxification, protein synthesis, and the production of biochemicals necessary for digestion. Therefore, keeping your liver in top condition not only contributes to overall health but also helps prevent the onset of chronic liver diseases.

The power to reverse fatty liver disease and restore liver health lies largely within our lifestyle choices. A balanced diet rich in glutathione, regular exercise, maintaining hydration, and regular health check-ups are the foundational pillars of a healthy liver. Embrace these changes and empower your liver to perform its functions optimally, contributing significantly to your overall health and wellbeing.

>>IMPORTANT BREAKTHROUGH: Belly Fat Linked to Overworked Liver<<

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