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The Moon Is Drifting Away From Earth and It’s Having a Major Impact on Time

When we think we know everything about our planet, something new often comes to light, altering our understanding. One such revelation is the Moon’s gradual drift away from Earth, a phenomenon that might seem insignificant but actually has profound effects on time. Contrary to the common belief that the Earth’s only natural satellite remains at …

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Archaeologists Believe They Have Found Noah’s Ark

For centuries, the tale of Noah’s Ark has captivated the imaginations of people around the world. This legendary vessel, said to have saved humanity and countless animals from a cataclysmic flood, holds a revered place in the religious traditions of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Nestled in the eastern mountains of Turkey lies the Durupinar formation, …

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World’s First Jaguar Born by Artificial Insemination Was Eaten by Its Mother

Jaguars, the iconic big cats of the Americas, are facing a critical threat. As their numbers dwindle due to habitat loss and poaching, conservationists are racing against time to save them. One groundbreaking effort involves the use of artificial insemination (AI), a technique that has shown promise in preserving other endangered species. But the journey …

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The Ten Commandments Must Be Displayed in Louisiana Classrooms Under New Law

In Louisiana, a new law mandates the display of the Ten Commandments in every classroom, spanning from kindergarten through state-funded universities. This legislation, which emerged from GOP drafts and skipped the gubernatorial veto due to the lapse in the decision timeframe, has sparked a significant debate about the intersection of education, law, and religious expression. …

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Carbon Dioxide Increase Is Fastest It Has Ever Been In Last 50,000 Years

In our quest for a healthier planet, understanding the rapid changes in our environment is crucial. One alarming development is the unprecedented increase in carbon dioxide levels. Recent studies reveal that the rate at which Carbon Dioxide is accumulating in our atmosphere is unlike anything seen in the past 50,000 years. This rapid rise is …

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