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Cardio Workouts

Millions of women struggle with losing weight. Cardio workouts are vital to good health and weight loss. With so many different styles of workouts, some using equipment and other workouts without equipment there is really no excuse to include cardiovascular health in your plan.

I learned from experience how important it is to find the right workout for you. When you enjoy it, you will do it more often and it will become less of a chore. Be sure to check out the different workouts below to find your perfect cardio workout.

cardio workout for women

cardio workout for women

Workouts for women over 40 should be versatile for modifications as needed. Perhaps you are like me with a bad back or have a bad knee or wrist. There are still workouts you can do!

When I began this healthy lifestyle journey, it was an eye-opening experience. I realized I didn’t even know how to workout.

A workout plan was what I needed to make sure I was pushing myself as hard as needed.

If you’re just starting your weight loss journey, perhaps you aren’t sure what type of exercise to do.

Or maybe you’ve been exercising without results.

Don’t Neglect Your Cardio Workout!

Aside from nutrition, cardio workouts are pretty high on the list for getting in shape and being healthy. Of course, we all know cardio workouts improve our heart and lung function which is vital at any age, but especially as we begin to reach our middle age years.

Your focus right now is losing weight, and so get started with cardio!

A variety of cardio exercises should be done 4-5 times a week to start.

No matter what your fitness level, (aside from a health reason to avoid cardio) you are able to do a cardio workout.

Maybe it’s a brisk walk, maybe it’s a fast run…whatever cardio means to you, get started.

Here’s the key…exercise hard enough to not be able to carry on a full conversation, but easy enough to speak.

That’s where many women over 40 go wrong. They join walking groups and walk around the neighborhood chatting. Ladies, that will not burn enough calories. A good cardiovascular exercise would actually prevent you from chatting, thus, walking groups could be holding you back unless everyone agrees to hold the chatting down to a minimum until after.

If you are going to walk around with the neighborhood ladies, walk so that your heart rate goes up enough to burn calories and chat once your walk is over.

What’s the Best Cardio Workout for Women Over 40?

cardio workouts for women

The great news is, there isn’t one best cardio workout for women. Any cardio workout that gets your heart and lungs working harder than normal can be exercises that works to lose weight.

With a variety of cardio workouts, your body will have the ability to burn more calories in conjunction with having stronger cardiovascular health. Jumping rope, high impact, high intensity interval training, full body among others will make for a great workout routine.

Below are some great workouts at various levels. Feel free to mix and match workouts to enjoy a balance of strength and cardio.

Walking to Lose Weight with this 10,000 Steps a Day Plan

Lose Weight by Walking 30 Day Fat Burning Plan

This Metabolism Boost Wake-Up Workout Will Change Your Life

The Miracle of the Tabata Workout for Women Over 40

30 Minute Indoor No Equipment Cardio Workout for Women Over 40

HIIT Treadmill Workout for Beginners to Start Losing Weight

15 Min No Equipment Beginner Cardio Workout for Women

40 Minute Cardio Workout for Women Over 40 to Lose Weight

Best Fasted Cardio Workouts for Fast Weight Loss

What is a HIIT Treadmill Workout for Weight Loss?

Quick Cardio Workout Using Only 3 Exercises and No Equipment

Treadmill Workouts For Overweight Beginners

A Successful Cardio Workout Plan at Home + Beginner Cardio Workout Plan

Effective Treadmill Workouts for Any Fitness Level

Hate Cardio? This Has Changed My Cardio Workouts Forever

Motivation for Your Cardio Workout

workouts for women for burning fat, losing weight and getting fit

It isn’t always easy to start a workout program. The first week or so is always the most difficult. Realize this going into it and be ready to fight back to make yourself workout. You’ll have to trust me on this until you get over the “it’s too hard” hump.

Of course, that is assuming you are well hydrated, eating properly and sleeping enough – some of the foundations of having a better workout experience. One supports the other. There’s more to losing weight than just exercise.

There are some nifty tips and tricks you can do to make it happen.

  1. Start small. Start with a 15 minute cardio workout, but build on that quickly. By day 5, make sure you’re up to 30 min a day. While 15 min is better than nothing, it won’t get the results you are looking for.
  2. Post motivational notes to yourself. I recently gave this assignment to my Fit Found Me Weight Loss ladies so they had reminders to consistently workout. Consistency is key!
  3. Put your workout clothes on first thing in the morning! Don’t take them off until you have completed your workout. (Of course, this assumes your workouts are am and not pm.)
  4. Invest in comfortable shoes. I love my Brooks!

A regular cardio workout for women is a crucial element for weight loss and overall fitness for women over 40. If you need additional help, join my Fit Found Me Facebook Weight Loss Group for Women Over 40. Endless tips, tricks, support, training and tons of motivation to get you through each day of losing weight!

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