Crunchy cucumber bites with a creamy feta, Greek style filling are an easy appetizer recipe. They’re perfect for showers, parties, special occasions for just for healthy snacking.
– Cream cheese – Feta cheese – Half and half – Dill fresh – Garlic powder – English cucumbers – Sea salt – Black pepper
On a cutting board, slice cucumbers into 1 1/2 inch even pieces.
Carefully scoop out the interior of each section with a small measuring spoon, leaving enough space on the bottom and sides to form a small “cup.”
Place cream cheese, feta cheese, half & half, dill, and garlic powder in a large bowl and season with salt and black pepper, to taste.
Transfer some of the whipped Feta and cream cheese mixture to a pastry bag fitted with a large tip (or use a plastic sandwich bag with one of the bottom corners removed).